Protocols for returning to in-person occupational therapy

Ann and Debbie cannot wait to see your children’s sweet faces!  In addition to the excitement of working directly with your child, the safety of all the children and staff is our priority. We will be continuously monitoring the guidelines of the New York State Dept. of Health and CDC.

Cleaning and Disinfecting

  • Prior to each session or treatment, all of the equipment that is used will be disinfected first with bottles of soap and water, and then with a product that is EPA, NSF, Green Seal, and ECOLOGO® certified- EnvirOx - once sprayed on our equipment, all pathogens are killed within three minutes. It also offers 24-hour residual bacteria kill.

  • Like many hospitals do, we disinfect our facility overnight with the use of Ultraviolet lights.

  • There will be extra time allotted in between groups and/or treatment sessions to allow for thorough cleaning


  • Parents will text or call upon arrival.  We will go and bring the children into the therapy clinic.  If the child has separation difficulties, one parent or guardian may bring child to the clinic, (wearing a mask).  

  • At the end of group activities or treatment session, parents will again text or call.  We will bring the children out one by one.

General Guidelines

  • Upon entering the practice, all children will have their temperature taken via touch-less thermometer.

  • Children will remove their shoes and place them in designated area.

  • Children will sanitize their hands with therapist’s assistance.

  • Children are not required to wear masks. If you’d like us to work with your child on tolerating a mask, we’ll be happy to oblige.

  • Ann and Debbie will be wearing masks and/or face shields throughout each session. 


  • Children will all have their own bin with their often-used materials such as pencils, scissors, crayons, markers, etc.  They will have their names on the bins, and bins will not be shared.  

  • All other materials and equipment used will have been cleaned prior to the session.

Please stay home if you or your child is not feeling well.

If you or your child has tested positive for COVID-19 or been in contact with someone who, in the past 14 days has tested positive for COVID-19 or displayed symptoms, please notify us as soon as possible. We want your children to have fun, learn, and play in an environment that is safe for all.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ann or Deb.  We are here for you.